Chicago Nursing Home Overuse of Restraints Attorneys

The recent rise in the number of nursing home residents across the U.S. has made the nursing home industry extremely profitable. Though many nursing homes are owned and staffed by people dedicated to properly caring for the elderly, others are not and must be held accountable. Whether that means screening employees more carefully, firing those who fail in their duties, or establishing more stringent staff rules, nursing homes should exercise vigilance in protecting their residents from all kinds of nursing home abuse. Filing a claim if you or a loved one has been a victim of any type of nursing home abuse, including overuse of restraints, helps hold nursing homes accountable and prevent further abuse from happening to others.

The experienced Chicago nursing home overuse of restraints lawyers at Karlin, Fleisher & Falkenberg, LLC are committed to holding those accountable who hurt the most vulnerable citizens in our society. If you or your loved one has suffered from physical abuse in a nursing home, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. Call us today at 312-346-8620 to learn more about your legal rights.

Main Office 111 West Washington St #950 Chicago, IL 60602 312-346-8620

Do I Need an Attorney?

If someone you love has suffered from the overuse of restraints in a nursing home, you can end the abuse by contacting a nursing home lawyer. They will advise you as you remove your loved one from their unsafe environment and help you to take decisive legal action against the parties responsible. Your elderly loved one does not deserve the pain and humiliation that results from the overuse of restraints. Allow the attorneys at Karlin, Fleisher & Falkenberg, LLC to help you put an end to the abuse.

Why Choose Karlin, Fleisher & Falkenberg, LLC?

At Karlin, Fleisher & Falkenberg, LLC, we have been passionately helping clients in Chicago and throughout Illinois since 1970. We are dedicated to seeking the justice and restitution our clients deserve. Watching the aftermath of abuse in your loved one is one of the most difficult experiences you can go through. Allow our compassionate and committed team to assist you in holding those who hurt your elderly loved one  At Karlin, Fleisher & Falkenberg, LLC, our resources and experience ideally position us to investigate and litigate your claim and make it as strong as possible.

What Is The Overuse of Restraints?

The overuse of restraints is a humiliating form of physical abuse. When elderly patients are unnecessarily restrained, they lose not only their mobility but also their dignity. Many nursing homes still rely on restraints to control patients. The overuse of physical restraints—such as arm and leg restraints, bed rails, mittens, and vests—is discouraged by most nursing homes these days; unfortunately, some still rely too heavily on such restraints. Other types of restraints include chemical restraints, such as sedatives or other tranquilizers designed to control unruly patients or those deemed a danger to themselves or others. Though such restraints are sometimes necessary, too many nursing homes abuse them because it is much easier to sedate a patient than properly train a staff member to nurture and care for them.

How Do I Recognize the Overuse of Restraints?

When your loved one is reluctant or unable to communicate what has been happening to them, you need to know the signs that show potential overuse of restraints. Possible indicators of this type of abuse include the following:

  • Severe bruising
  • Withdrawal and depression
  • Cuts and open wounds
  • Bed sores
  • Incontinence or constipation
  • Frustration or fear
  • Loss of dignity

To avoid these problems, nursing homes should be cautious about how much they use restraints on their residents. Alternatives to restraints include giving each resident greater individual attention, providing safer environments, and turning to rehabilitation and physical therapy to improve mobility and strength in their residents.

These alternatives to restraints require highly trained and committed staff, which is why many nursing homes resort to using cheaper and easier forms of control like medication or physical restraints instead. Investing in personnel who truly care and know how to help residents lead the fullest lives possible may be costly, but is ultimately worth it. The elderly have contributed so much to society, and they deserve to be given the best quality of life.

Contact Us

The Chicago nursing home abuse attorneys at Karlin, Fleisher & Falkenberg, LLC have almost 50 years of knowledge and successful experience in defending clients of all types of nursing home abuse. If you or a loved one is a victim of the overuse of restraints in a nursing home, you deserve to have the best attorney to help you receive fair compensation. Let the nursing home abuse attorneys at Karlin, Fleisher & Falkenberg, LLC fight the legal battles so that your family can focus on recovery. Call us today at 312-346-8620 for a free initial consultation, and find peace of mind in knowing that your legal needs are in qualified, proven hands.

Written by Karlin, Fleisher & Falkenberg, LLC Last Updated : March 21, 2025