Chicago Withholding of Prescribed Medication Attorneys

If your loved one is experiencing nursing home abuse because the staff and caretakers are withholding their prescribed medications, Karlin, Fleisher & Falkenberg, LLC can help get them the justice they deserve. The nursing home administration and staff may be liable for negligence or intentional wrongdoing because withholding prescribed medications from a nursing home resident can have dire health consequences. Do not let your loved one continue to be abused; contact the highly qualified and compassionate Chicago nursing home medication abuse attorneys at Karlin, Fleisher & Falkenberg, LLC today by calling 312-346-8620.

Main Office 111 West Washington St #950 Chicago, IL 60602 312-346-8620

Do I Need an Attorney?

Knowing who is liable for withholding prescribed medication can be confusing and may vary depending on the circumstances of each specific case. During a time when you and your loved ones are dealing with the consequences of an elderly loved one being abused, you should not have to worry about legalities. The compassionate and aggressive attorneys at Karlin, Fleisher & Falkenberg, LLC are here to help you in your most difficult times.

Why Choose Us?

At Karlin, Fleisher & Falkenberg, LLC, we have a proven track record of getting our clients the compensation they deserve, ensuring that justice is served, and ending abuse. Suppose your loved one is being abused while residing in a nursing home. In that case, figuring out how to end the mistreatment on your own may be difficult because staff and administration will be hesitant to admit there is a problem and make themselves liable. That’s why the experienced attorneys at Karlin, Fleisher & Falkenberg, LLC are here to help. Over the years, we have helped many victims and their families recover compensation for abuse suffered at a nursing home. To set up a confidential consultation, contact us today by calling 312-346-8620, filling out an online contact form, or starting an online chat on our website now.

Consequences of Withholding Prescribed Medication

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 1 in every 10 adults aged 60 years or older experiences some form of abuse. One common form of elder abuse that occurs in nursing homes is withholding prescribed medication.

Withholding prescribed medication is a form of physical abuse that can have dire health consequences for elderly patients. Many of the nursing home residents take medication for very serious health reasons, such as:

  • To help control blood pressure
  • To help with blood-clotting issues
  • To manage pain
  • To counteract heart problems

If an elderly patient is experiencing any sort of medical condition, getting their medication is crucial to the maintenance of their health and well-being. Withholding medication from an elderly person in a nursing home can have various awful results, including the following:

  • Worsening medical conditions that the medication is supposed to be treating
  • Causing new medical conditions that could have been avoided
  • Contributing to or causing premature death

Some signs to look for if you believe your loved one is having their medication withheld by the nursing home staff include the following:

  • A worsening known medical condition
  • New and unexpected medical conditions
  • Staff members’ reluctance to leave you alone with your loved one
  • Your loved one acting differently or afraid

If you notice any signs that your loved one may be suffering from abuse, do not stand by quietly. Contact Karlin, Fleisher & Falkenberg, LLC today so that we can help end your loved one’s abuse.

Determining Liability

There are various factors that can contribute to a loved one not receiving their medication in the nursing home, including that the staff is incompetent, negligent, or intentionally acting wrongfully.

Incompetency: If the staff is incompetent, the nursing home administration may be liable for any injuries or damages caused by the workers, including those resulting from withholding medication. The administration has a duty to hire and train qualified individuals to care for the patients. If they fail in this duty, they may have been negligent.

Negligence: If the nursing home staff acted negligently and failed to administer prescribed medications, staff members may be liable for any resulting injuries.

Intentional Wrongdoing: If the nursing home staff acted intentionally and maliciously in not giving a patient their prescribed medicine, staff members may be liable for various civil infractions and may even be criminally liable in some instances.

Knowledgeable nursing home abuse lawyers at Karlin, Fleisher & Falkenberg, LLC will be able to determine who is liable for your loved one’s suffering and act accordingly to get justice.

Contact Us

At Karlin, Fleisher & Falkenberg, LLC, we believe that victims of abuse and their families should not have to deal with intimidating corporations and nursing home administrations on their own. That’s why we are here to fight for you and your loved ones. Over the years, we have collected nearly a half a billion dollars for our clients. While we are skilled in getting monetary compensation for our clients, we also strive to ensure that abuse is ended and justice is served. If your loved one is suffering nursing home abuse and not receiving their prescribed medication, contact Karlin, Fleisher & Falkenberg, LLC today by calling 312-346-8620 to set up a free consultation.

Written by Karlin, Fleisher & Falkenberg, LLC Last Updated : March 21, 2025